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Monday, March 14, 2011

University of Central Florida visits Save A Sato

University of Central Florida students

For the second consecutive year a group of students from the University of Central Florida visited Save a Sato's  "Shelter of Miracles" during their spring break vacation to help out Gloria Marti (the shelter manager and president of Save A Sato) and give some love and affection to our much-deserving satos.  

These students travel annually to different countries to give a helping hand to different organizations which in some way provide a service to their communities.  This year a group of ten students, lead by Marlon Gutierrez, decided to help Save A Sato once again.  While most university students use their springbreak to visit family or just have a good time and get away from the stress of their studies; this group of students came to Puerto Rico and worked for four consecutive days at the shelter, and they got their hands dirty and did some HARD work.  

During their time here the UCF group cleaned cages, put labels on each cage to identify the dogs, bathed, feed, and played with the satos.  

One of the UCF students, Cristina Resto, who grew up and lived in Puerto Rico until the age of 11, commented to us of how proud she was to be able to come to Puerto Rico after 8 years and volunteer for an organization that takes in hundreds of abandoned dogs and gives them a chance to be adopted into loving homes.  She seemed surprised by the amount of dogs that Save A Sato has and how people donate their time and even the very houses they live in to help take in satos off of the streets.  Cristina also mentioned that all of the pets that her family has are spayed or neutered, including her own Chihuahua, Nany.  

Rachel and Shane, two other volunteers from UCF, commented to us that they were surprised by the number of dogs that wander the streets here and that this is not something that they see living in Florida.  The students were able to rescue a stray dog that was found on the way to the shelter, which they named Princesa. 
Princess was rescued during their visit, she was found near Teodoro Moscoso Bridge
Unfortunately she has heartworm, which will need to be treated so that she can get healthy and have a chance to be adopted by a family that will give her all of the love she deserves.  Thanks to all of the volunteers from the University of Central Florida, Marlon, Cristina, Rachel, Shane, Juan, Yselande, Rachel K., Stephanie, Reema, and Madison, for volunteering your time at our shelter and for "saving a sato".
Puppy abandoned in a box on February

Por segunda vez consecutiva un grupo de 10 alumnos de la Universidad Central de Florida, visita a el Albergue De Los Milagros de la Fundacion Save A Sato, en sus vacaciones de springbreak, para darle una mano a Gloria Marti (presidenta de la fundacion) en las arduas tareas que se tienen que hacer diariamente en este albergue. Estos estudiantes anualmente, viajan a diferentes paises, para dar una mano amiga, voluntariamente a diferentes organizaciones, que de alguna manera u otra ayudan civilmente a una comunidad. 

Gloria applying vaccines
Este año, este grupo de estudiantes, bajo el liderazgo de Marlon Gutierrez, decidio ayudar nuevamente a Save A Sato, en arduas tareas, durante toda una semana, al contrario de otros universitarios que utilizan sus vacaciones de springbreak para visitar a sus familiares o distraerse en actividadesas mas divertidas para liberarse unos dias del gran esfuerzo que conlleva estudiar a nivel universitario.

Una de las estudiantes del CFU, Cristina Resto, la cual crecio y vivio en Puerto Rico hasta la edad de los 11 años, nos comento del orgullo que sentia de poder viajar a Puerto Rico luego de 8 años y poder donar su tiempo en ayudar a una organizacion el cual le provee un bien social a la comunidad, dandole albergue y ayudando a cientos de perros desamparados; Se mostro sorprendida al ver la cantidad de perros que alberga Save A Sato, y como personas donan su tiempo y hasta sus casas, para brindarle ayuda a todos estos animales, Cristina tambien nos comento que todas las mascotas que tiene en su casa, estan esterilizadas incluyendo a Nany, su chihuahua.
Rachel y Shane, estudiantes tambien de la UCF, nos comentaron que han quedado sorprendidos de ver la cantidad de animales que merodean por la calles de la isla, y que en la Florida es poco comun ver que esto suceda. Durante la visita de estos estudiantes al albergue ayudaron a limpiar las jaulas de los perros, a identificarlos con letreros con cada uno de sus nombres, bañarlos, alimentarlos y jugar con ellos y hasta ayudaron a hacerles pruebas del corazon y otras enfermedades. Los estudiantes ademas lograron rescatar a un perro desamparado al cual le llamaron, Princesa, triztemente esta perrita rescatada sufre de "heartworms", condicion la cual con mucho esfuerzo la Fundacion Save A Sato, estara supliendo las ayudas y medicamentos necesarios para poder salvarle la vida y asi hacer que esta perrita luego tenga la oportunidad de ser adoptada por una familia, el cual le provea amor y mas cuidado que la familia anterior que quizas tuvo y la abandono en las calles de Puerto Rico.

Gracias a los estudiantes de la Universidad Central de Florida, Marlon, Cristina, Rachel, Shane, Juan, Yselande, Rachel K., Stephanie, Reema, y Madison, por su tiempo e interes y por Salvar a un Sato.

The UCF students donated their shoes for the next volunteers that comes to clean the shelter!
and one pair for the puppies to play! :)

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