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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Gloria Marti & The Save A Sato Foundation on Primera Hora 2/26/2011

Compromise of love that last forever:

when you adopt a dog on a shelter, you save two lives, his and the next dogs that takes his place.

Teresa Canino
Primera Hora

Nobody pays her for the job that she does. Only a few knows of her hard daily routine. Gloria Marti, barely rest. Although, she works happy, believing that the work that she do everyday is a big compromise with the hundreds of dogs that she rescue.
They have come from every part of the island, in the hands of strangers, from rescue partners, others has even been tied up and left in front of the shelter. Some others has been picked up from the streets by herself and with the help of a few volunteers from The Save A Sato Foundation, they has been cured, feed and offered a secure shelter till they get adopted.

Marti, dreams with the day that finally the goverment stablish a law, that force puertorricans to sterilize their dogs, so finally the problem of overpopulation of animals in Puerto Rico can be controlled.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Puerto Rico, what is happening to us? Que nos pasa Puerto Rico?

Que nos pasa Puerto Rico?

"La grandeza de una nacion y su progreso moral pueden ser juzgados por la forma en que sus animales son tratatos" -Mahatma Gandhi

En menos de un mes han sido rescatados tres grupos diferentes de puppies abandonados a su suerte sin importar como podrian sobrevivir. Personas inescrupolosas, insensibles abandonan estos inofensivos animales, que por su corta edad se le hace imposible sobrevivir ya que no pueden defenderse ni buscar comida. Que piensan estas personas al hacer tan horrendo acto? Tendran conciencia de que lo que hacen? es lo mas horrible que puede hacer un ser pensante.

Estos puppies fueron encontrados dentro de una caja en el Colegio Tecnologico de Puerto Rico, en el area de recreo de Prescolar. Los maestros y estudiantes llamaron a Gloria, presidenta de Save A Sato, por auxilio, eran siete pero dos estudiantes se llevaron dos y Gloria busco los otros cinco. Estan un poco desnutridos ya que al parecer fueron abandonados durante el fin de semana y no habian comido por varios dias.

Necesitamos seguir fomentando la Esterilizacion!! Esteriliza a tu mascota! No permitas que estas barbaridades continuen!
Si estas interasad@ en ser un "foster home" para alguno de estos puppies, porfavor escribe a

"¿Por quĂ© un animal es maltratado? Creo que es porque el que lo maltrata cree que no siente, ni padece, ni sufre... respetemos a los animales como ellos nos respetan a nosotros."

Puerto Rico what is happening to us?

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged because of the way its animals are treated"-Mahatma Gandhi

In less than a month Save a Sato has rescued three different groups of puppies abandoned to their fate regardless how they could survive. Unscrupulous, insensitive people has abandoned these harmless animals that because of their young age its impossible for them to survive, these puppies can not defend for themselves or find food. What are these people thinking when they commit such a horrendous act?  Are they aware of what they are doing? this is the most horrible thing, that a thinking being can do!
These puppies were found inside a box in the Colegio Tecnologico de Puerto Rico, in the preschool recreational area. Teachers and students called Gloria Marti president of S.A.S for help, they were seven but some students took two to their homes and Gloria took the other five to the Shelter of Miracles from Save A Sato.  These puppies are malnourished and and they look like apparently they were abandoned during the weekend and had not eaten for several days.
We need to continue to encourage sterilization! Spay your pet! Do not let these atrocities to continue!
If tyou are interested to be a "foster home" for one of these puppies, please write to

"Why an animal is abused? I think it's because these people believe that  they do not feel, or  do not suffer... we should respect the animals like they respect us."

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Scotiabank y RG de Puerto Rico te invitan a Donar por Save a Sato

 Migdalia Negron, estara representando a Save A Sato este proximo domingo en el World's Best 10k Race en el puente Teodoro Moscoso, haz donativo a cualquiera de estas cuentas en Scotiabank o Rg Bank y estos bancos ademas de tu donacion aportaran .25c adicional por cada dolar que recojan 100% para Save A Sato, mira la foto para detalles!

cuenta de Scotiabank: 0716088830
cuenta de Rg: 08480083

si olvidas los numeros de cuenta, cualquier empleado te lo puede dar en el mismo banco, solo menciona que quieres ayudar a Save A Sato, en la carrera de los 10k

No importa cuan grande o pequena sea tu donacion, lo importante es que estaras ayudando a salvar cientos de animales en Puerto Rico.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Walgreens Employees give a gift of love to Save A Sato!

 This last february 5, 2011,  the employees of Walgreens gave a visit to "El Albergue de los Milagros" (The Shelter of Miracles) one of the shelters of Save A Sato in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to give a helping hand, to Gloria Marti (S.A.S president) to clean, feed and bathe the Satos!
Everyday, all the cages of the satos, are cleaned, the satos taken out to play, fresh water and food its given, its not an easy task, for Gloria, she do this 365 days, sometimes with help from some volunteers, and sometimes just by herself!

 Its a blessing, everytime, that we receive help from volunteers like this great guys and gals from Walgreens, who donated their time to help the satos!

You can adopt this Walgreen's employee through our petfinder page! :)

Its not an easy task, but with a couple of friends and some effort, you'll end up, having fun and feeling the satisfaction, that you are helping this beautiful satos, to live in a healthy and happy shelter, till they find their "Forever homes"

Thank you guys, people like you keep Save A Sato saving the lives of the homeless dogs of Puerto Rico

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Follow up on Samantha!!

Chica  (formerly "Samantha") is WONDERFUL!

She LOVES us, we LOVE her!  

She LOVES the snow, it's hard to get her to come inside.  Who knew a tropical doggy would love winter so much?  

She has LOTS of doggy friends who she loves...  Abby (also a Sato from Puerto Rico!), Raven, Sophie, Bruce, Henry, Jonesy, Shanti, Tessa, etc etc.

She goes on a big walk in the morning on the beach every day, then a big walk in the woods every afternoon.


thank you again!

Lois and Doug