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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Our friends at PetSos invites you to this event!

from :

This next October 5, 2011 our friends from PetSos and local celebrities from Puerto Rico will be playing a basketball tournament on the coliseum Hector Sola Bezares in Caguas to help in the funding of the biggest "castraton" ( spay and neuter event ) that will take place this next November, 2011 to help the different organization from Puerto Rico that rescue dogs and cats around all the island and because of the lack of help and interest from the goverment, sometimes helping on the spay of all this rescues, become impossible. Save A Sato foundation invites you to click the links provided here and read all the info available for this event! Dont miss it! we now its going to be a lot of fun, watch all those celebrities play basketball! and its for a good cause!

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