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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Caly visits Puerto Rico

Caly Lehrer is a Spiritual Guardian for Animal Wellness and is owner/founder of Peace-By-Peace, LLC, located in Scotch Plains, New Jersey. In addition to sharing Reiki and The Journey™ with our Animal Friends, as an Intuitive and Animal Communicator Caly also shares Chakra Balancing and Meditations (for pet loss support groups). She is an advocate for our Animal Friends. For more information about Caly and the work that she shares, visit her website at

Caly recently visited Puerto Rico and Save a Sato, and over the next few months will share the story of her visit - here is the first installment -

I recently returned from my first, but not last, trip to Puerto Rico to work with the sato dogs at Save-A-Sato. Although I’ve wanted to write about this trip for some time now; quite honestly, it’s taken me awhile to process ALL that I saw. How does one begin to share the high intensity of pain, sorrow and anguish felt with so many of the dogs, while also feeling the immense waves of friendship, support and unconditional love from all those at Save-A-Sato….along with you, our readers. I was blown away by all the loving e-mails and words of encouragement I received, especially from people I don’t even know, supporting my endeavors with the satos. I printed out each and every e-mail from you – knowing your words of encouragement would provide me with renewed strength when I was most in need.

When I first arrived at the airport in Puerto Rico, I made my way down to the baggage claim area. While gathering my suitcases, I received a phone call from Save-A-Sato’s volunteer, Leilani (one of my many Guardian Angels on this trip). Despite a lot of personal challenges which Leilani was facing at that time, she still found the time to pick me up from the airport and bring me to my hotel. Meeting Leilani was such a blessing – she is a kindred spirit, filled with immense love and positive energy. Before dropping me off at the hotel, Leilani wanted to show me one of the nearby beaches. A short drive from the airport, we arrived at the beach in Pinones. Although I wasn’t sure what to expect, I figured I’d get a glimpse of what the upcoming week would hold for me. I caught more than a glimpse though….I got a full-flavored taste! Within minutes of walking around Pinones, Leilani and I came upon a pack of dogs on the beach. ©2010 Caly Lehrer

Click here to finish reading the story on our website.

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