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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Ivy....napping at her new home!!!

Looks like Ivy is getting comfortable at her new forever home!! Gloria and the Save A Sato volunteers are happy to see her like that! she spent a long time at the shelter! its not easy for big dogs like her to get adopted! we are really thankful for this family that gave her this once in a lifetime for a sato chance!!

" I know she is dreaming about me, as i dream about her every night"
Gloria Marti

Blanche, has been adopted!!

My name is Alicia and I have been fostering Blanche here in the states. I just wanted to give you an update on her. She is a fabulous dog. She's happy and healthy. She's taking a trip to the vet today to get a check up and her microchip inserted. She had been adopted!!! Blanche will travel to Virginia in a couple of weeks to meet her forever family. I am copying Sue, her new mom, on this email as well. Thank you and your rescue for all that you do. It has been an amazing experience to be able to help an international dog. Please let me know if you have any questions about her!


Hi Alicia

Thank you for such a wonderful update. We are overjoyed for Blanche! She was very loved in PR and her departure was definitely bitter sweet for everyone. This is what we were waiting for! Woohoo!

Thanks for taking care such good care of her Alicia and thank you Sue for making her part of your family. She is truly a wonderful dog! Please keep us updated. We love to see how our Satos are doing. 

Blanche was adopted! We are so happy for her and her new family. Everyone as SAS is doing a happy dance.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Lupe's Happy ending!

Beautiful Lupe!
A few months back, we were lucky enough to adopt a little black Chihuahua mix named “CHI CHI” from island Puppy Rescue here in NJ. The dog had originally come from Save a Sato, I believe she was found by police wandering the streets. We have since renamed her Guadeloupe, but we nicknamed her “Lupe”.

I wanted to thank you for helping this amazing little dog, she has added an immense amount of happiness to our household, and our other Chihuahua mixes, DIEGO, SANCHEZ and CARMELITA.
If I sent you some pics, could you put them on your happy endings website page?? She deserves her 15 minutes of fame.
Thank you.

Diego, Sanchez,and Carmelita with OB
Thank You for sharing!! Lupe looks happy with her new friends!! we are so happy that now she have friends to play and a loving family that will take good care of her!!
Sanchez and Lupe napping!

Traveling with a sato is so much fun!!

Our satos are loyal, intelligent, and have the best behavior on the dog community!! This is a short comment from one volunteer that spent some time traveling with a couple of our satos, we just want to share this with you Save A Sato fan , and also we would like to hear, how your dog behave when he is out of the house!! Funny or embarrassing stories are accepted!!

"The puppies were perfect little travelers. They were very calm and quiet on the
airplane (and I think sleepy!) It was so much fun watching them play together in
the fenced in grassy area at the shelter. Great to see how happy these
pups are".


Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Happy ending for Laiko!!

Thank you for sharing with us, we are so happy that Laiko found a forever home!!! we wish you many years of happiness with him!! Satos are the best!!

A letter that touched our hearts!!

we wish you many years of happiness with your sato!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A happy ending for Tommy!!!

You see!! the satos are the best dogs in the world!!! Thank you for sharing with us! we are happy to see Tommy having so much fun and living the dream of every sato! to find a forever home!!

Thank You note from the satos!

Save a Sato sends a BIG hug and muchos thanks to Marty Charns with Pilots n’ Paws.  Thank you, thank you!!!!

Here is the story of Elsie, Azul, Lucy and Luis. They were accepted at the Humane Society in VT but AA cargo does not travel there Sidnia Delgado (Partner Shelter Coordinator)  reached out to Pilots n Paws for help. Marty stepped up to the challenge. He picked them up in Boston and kept them for the night so that he could fly them to Vermont first thing in the morning. Two pups stayed with him and two others with a friend. Next morning they arrived in Vt safe and sound. 

Marty really went above and beyond to help with our Satos.    

Marty with Azul