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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Thank you Orlando and Olga Ruiz! The Satos at the SanSe 2015!

 We would like to thanks Orlando and Olga for this donation and for helping our satos for 2 years in a row!!

From our sato mail!!

Saludos, we were pleased to finally meet Gloria and staff at SAS during our visit to the shelter, to deliver the $331 donation from the people of Puerto Rico given during the 2015 Fiesta de la Calle San Sebastián.  We are very proud of Maya and Toby for their dedication to helping their Sato family.  Thank you all for your work too.  You may post these photos on your Facebook to thank everyone for their support.
Best regards,
Orlando and Olga Ruiz-Roque
Calle San Justo
Viejo San Juan

Monday, February 2, 2015

Buddy, adopted 14 years ago!

From our sato mail!
Buddy was our first pet and our lives resolved around him.We couldn't imagine a more perfect friend and we miss him terribly. He was diagnosed with kidney disease a year ago.He took a drastic change for the worse last week and was in pain so it was time. He had a very happy 14 years.
 Buddy recently crossed the rainbow bridge, we want to say thank you to Susan Dilbert, his mom for taking care of him for this last 14 years!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A happy ending for Leo!!

We adopted our Sato from the Broward County Humane Society on December 15, 2014. We fell in love with his disposition and how friendly and playful he is. After bringing him into the meeting room, the volubteer informed us that he had been flown in from San Juan, PR as part of Save a Sato. We had no idea what a Sato was before that day or of the Save A Sato organization. We just wanted to say thank you for giving us the opportunity to give this furbaby a loving home and the life he deserves. I know that we adopted a rescue, but really he was the one that rescued me. My heart is full and I am so grateful for the work you do.
Thank you,
Kasi, Chris & Leo (pictured)


When we met her about two years ago at the shelter while I was there for a project, we completely adored her! We already had two dogs, and we promised my dad that we wouldn't bring home a new dog. For my mom's birthday that year in March, my dad and I arranged to have Camilla flown into Pittsburgh as a surprise. She quickly found her spot in the family with our two big labs! She is a tiny bundle of energy who loves to run and explore in sun, rain, and even snow! All of her energy has brought excitement and playfulness back to our older dogs. At the end of a crazy day of running and playing with toys, she loves to fall asleep on the couch with her family. Everyone who meets her immediately falls in love with her, and we can't imagine our home without her! She is truly a blessing that we thank Save a Sato for every day! 

Thank you for our Camilla!

Natalie and Nancy House

Monday, January 26, 2015

A happy ending for Jerry (Gus)

From our sato mail!

Hi! My husband and I recently adopted a dog from the Delaware County SPCA in Media, PA that was saved by your organization. He went by Jerry in Puerto Rico, but he goes by "Gus" in his new home in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.
Gus is doing great! He was a little shy and scared when he came home with us but he is warming up to us very quickly. He gets lots of love and attention in his new home, including long walks outside every day, games of fetch, and treats for good behavior! He has quickly learned how to "sit" and "lay down" on command. He loves running laps in the backyard, chasing after tennis balls, and having his belly rubbed. He's a sweetheart, and everyone who meets him loves him!
We wanted to send you some pictures and let you know that he is well-cared for and loved in his new home. Thank you so much for saving Gus and for all the work that you do to give a second chance to dogs in Puerto Rico. We can't imagine our home without him, and we are grateful for your kindness.
Mike & Rebecca (and Gus!)

Hello from a stateside Save a Sato volunteer!

From our sato mail!

Visit Ellen Wilson's blog..........

My cocker spaniel, Phoebe, was rescued by Save a Sato when she was less than 9 months old.  Phoebe has had a wonderful life and is a happy and healthy 13 year-old, this is my favorite photo of her (with my son). Jemma  a sata (female sato) we brought over in November (with her new "brother"), and a couple other satos that we have brought to CT and were adopted into wonderful homes. This last one is of the manager of the shelter that I work with in New Milford meeting for the first time two of the five puppies my students and I brought home with us for adoption this past June. The puppies were so excited (and so was Renee!).  Needless to say, those two pups got adopted immediately.

Cats also have happy endings!

From our sato mail: 

"Glad to hear things are well. I can totally understand what your going through. That day we visited you it looked like there was TONS to do! Not to mention all of the poor animals that probably get dropped off on a daily basis! Truly sad... but it's good to see that there are still plenty of people that care. "

As for our little family. Well... they truly have become masters of the house. Every spot has turned into their sleeping area and they're sure to let us know when their food bowls are empty. They wait to hear our alarm in the mornings and immediately start the process of making sure we're up and feeding them, followed by a little lovin' of course! No more snooze button for us! Ha! Not to mention that if you fall asleep on the couch, you'll wake up having been nominated as their new sleeping area.

Well... here are the last pictures with all of the family together. As you can see, an old suite case and our collapsed hammock are their new favorite spots now! The kitten is going to his new home today. One of our best friends has fallen in love with him. We will certainly miss him and all of his energy but we're happy that we'll be able to see him when we visit our friend. The suite case pic cracks me up by the way. They were all watching me paint.

Thanks again for everything! We can't imagine coming home and not being greeted with so much love on a daily basis!!

Richard Arenas

Saturday, January 17, 2015

13 years of love for Mickey! now Sugar!

From our Sato mail!


Just wanted to touch base and share a pic of my Sato.

I can remember exactly but he is around 13 years. When we got him his name on the paperwork was Mickey, after the man who had brought him in. We decided to call him Sugar. He was featured in the before and after makeovers on the website for many years.

Just wanted to let you know that he is still going strong and healthy. He's enjoying being inside during this cold weather. When it's sunny and warm we can't keep him in. He so enjoys running free on our 22 acres.

Thank you so much for blessing us with him. His is an utter joy.

God bless,
Canton, TX

Friday, January 16, 2015

Como recibir a tu nueva mascota en el 2015!!

Entrevista a Silvi Bedrosian, voluntaria de Save A Sato, por Ruben Sanchez, en la que se destacan algunos puntos importantes sobre como tratar a tu nueva mascota y lo importante que debe ser el cuidado de ella!

 Video Ruben Sanchez y Co

An update on Eva!

From our Sato mail!
Hi there Save A Sato!
My name is Kira. I'm not sure if you folks got the letter I sent Gloria a while ago, so I just wanted to write and say hello! My fiance and I adopted Eva from DAWS in Danbury, CT back in July (she was formerly known as Sato Millie, or possibly Lillie? Her paperwork said both).
I just wanted to let you folks know that she is doing GREAT! Eva is our first dog and we couldn't have possibly asked for a better one! She's adorable, the perfect size (a little over 30lbs now at 9 months old), and she is very quiet and for the most part well-behaved. She gets along with our two cats (even though she wants to play with them and they don't), she's a total sweetheart, loves the dog park, etc. She's wonderful, and I just wanted to say THANK YOU for saving her from the streets! I read in her info that she was found at a construction site. I'm not sure if you have any contact with the workers who found her, but if you do, please tell them that we send our thanks.
I am including a few photos of Eva in her new home with us. Please feel free to share them wherever you'd like! I want to show everyone how great of a program you run, and how happy our girl is now that she has a forever home! (And if you happen to have Instagram, feel free to follow me for more photos of Eva and her kitty siblings: @kiraandpets)
Kira G

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hachi is doing great!

This is Hachi, he was abandoned and left to his luck on the streets, his previous owners probably moved to another place! and left him alone in Rio Piedras PR. A local resident near the area where he was abandoned, feed him and took care of him, later she brought Hachi to Save A Sato. After a couple of months in the shelter, he was sent to Pittsburgh to  find a Forever Home.

Here is an email sent by his new parents! looks like Hachi finally had a Happy Ending!

I wanted to give an update on Hachi. He was sent to Pittsburgh and rejected by his adoptive family. My husband and I fell in love with Hachi when meeting him at his foster home and he has now been with us for a week. We couldn’t be happier! He is very calm yet playful. Really loves people and other animals. 

The picture’s below show Hachi and my husband John at his mom’s home when we took him to meet “grandma.”  The next 2 show Hachi wearing his sweater on a cold day. Also attached, Hachi sunning himself. And of course the baby pic!

Hachi is also enrolled at doggy daycare while we are at work. They posted a video today. He appears after minute 2:38

I have attached a video that my husband took of him playing outside. Although it is winter here in Pittsburgh (and Hachi is definitely not used to the snow), we had an abnormally warm day in December so there was time to play outside!

I was wondering if you guys had a written story about Hachi? For example why is he missing part of his ear :-(? We have seen he has some other scars too. Since we got him from foster care and not you directly we just know some details that were given to us verbally but I was hoping you could give us some more information. 

We always knew we wanted to adopt a sato and we are so glad that Hachi fell into our lives.

Best Regards,

Vanessa Herman

A letter from one of our satos!! Happy Ending!

From our Sato Mail: A letter from Monica, now Wheezy!
