Sato Adds

Monday, December 19, 2011

Volunteers, making our satos happy this holidays!

Colegio La Merced
      The week has been a happy one for our Satos at the shelter of Miracles from Save A Sato Foundation! We have received the visit to the shelter of two groups, La iglesia adventista de Guaynabo and also a nice group from Colegio la Mereced, these two groups helped us to get our satos' cages clean, get some of them bathed, clean around and also they brought food, newspapers and supplies for the Satos.
Iglesia Adventista de Guaynabo

 Thanks for your help and your time, thanks for making our satos be happy this holidays!
Visit our Facebook page to watch more pics!

Happy Holidays!!
Donations for the satos!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Enzo the sato challenges you to guess his breed!

Our friend Enzo the Sato, recently had a visit to the the vet, and wanted to know a little bit about his past! he took a DNA test, but the vet is a little bit busy this week, so he is taking a little bit too long with the results! Enzo is so anxious to know about his sato past, that he is challenging you to guess his breed, and at the same time donate $5 to his brothers and sisters at Save A Sato, if you guess his breed, Enzo will personally send you a little appreciation gift to you! Visit  to get more details about this wonderful gesture to help Save A Sato, from Enzo and the Pina family!

Enzo the Sato

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A dream slowly coming true!!

During the past couples of years, The Shelter of Miracles from Save A Sato, has become the  main shelter of the foundation, receiving and helping more than 500 hundred dogs per year, and flying them to partner shelters outside the island, so these dogs can find their "forever home" in the States. This shelter survives only by the charity of the good people from the United States and Puerto Rico who take the time and will, to donate money and to send by mail, supplies for the care of the dogs.

During all this years the Shelter of Miracles has suffered the consequences of living under a tropical weather, the sun, the wind, the high humidity and sometimes the worst! Hurricanes! All the damages suffered during all this years has been fixed by "patching up" parts of the shelter with materials donated by the people or some companies that from time to time give a little something to the shelter to help.

All this years has been rough for the shelter, a decrease of donations has been occurring because of the bad economy around the world, also a big increase of homeless pets has been ocurring during the last couple of years in Puerto Rico. The goverment doesn't care about organizations like us on our island, although we have been erraditacating a big problem, they dont even take time to visit, recognize or help.

Thanks to different groups like Vision 68 of Puerto Rico and some anonymous volunteers that takes the time to get help and donations for the shelter like our friend "La Lola" ( our dream of renewing the shelter is becoming true!

The motivational group vision 68 has been working hard in getting donations for the shelter, and also getting construction materials, they started to renew our shelter last month, and they are planning to rebuild the entire shelter over the next year, because of this, the Save A Sato foundation, has been sending dogs to our partners shelters in the U.S.A every week, to protect them from the noises, dust and any harm that they could suffer while the shelter is being renewed. We have spent all our donation money on this flights! over $1,500 dollars weekly, although is difficult to feed 150 dogs everyday with a low income on donations, we are trying our best by selling shirts, stickers on our webpage and asking mayor companies of dog and cat food for donations, thank God they are helping us.

The satos are happy, new cages has been constructed with lots of space for them and even beds has been added, these beds has been donated over the years by the good people like you. A lot more has to be done, we hope to  keep receiving this helps, to keep working on the care of our dogs, and cats.

We still count with you and your good heart, if you wish to keep helping the Save A Sato foundation, you can donate by clicking on the Paypal box on the left of this blog, also by visiting our main page, in there you can donate via Paypal or buy for the satos in our Sato Shop, also you can send any kind of contribution either check, or dog and cats supplies by mail to The Save A Sato Foundation, P.O box 37694 San Juan, P.R 00937-0694

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A letter from the heart and a happy ending for Maria!

Maria, now Mama Mia June 2011

Dear Gloria:

Above is a picture of Maria who came from your shelter, her new name became Mama Mia when we adopted her on June 16, 2011 from Worcester MA Animal Rescue League. I found the letter in her packet that explained to us where she came from, and what her life in Puerto Rico was like prior to your wonderful shelter saving her.

I can’t imagine what would have become of Maria had your support team not found her and brought her here? Our family is truly blessed by her presence.

In February of this year we had to put our beloved pointer Lucky down due cancer, he was 11 years old, and was a pointer mix that we saved from a local shelter when he was just 10 weeks old. We loved Lucky and never thought we would ever find another pet so kind and gentle…..until now, Mia selected our son when he walked into the kennel that was keeping her. My son told me that when he entered all of the dogs were barking except Mia, Mia came to him wagging her tail and making my son know this was the dog for us.

I was pleasantly surprised when my husband sent me a picture of this beautiful dog, and it reminded me so much of our precious love…. What where the chances of us of finding another pointer mix when we went looking? We believe in our hearts God had something to do with this miracle, and now knowing she came from the Miracle Shelter, well that’s just makes her more special.

She found out how to swim pretty quickly the other day, when she decided to jump off the boat! We of course jumped in to save her not really knowing if she would sink or swim. It was pretty funny thankfully she swam! She has a lot of new toys, a wonderful bed to sleep and she is learning new tricks daily. She’s very smart, we are training her to tell us with bells when she wants to go out, she’s almost house broken already, but still has a few accidents, and I’ve seen her wag her tail a few times while dreaming… We are hoping Mia loves her new home, and new family.

Although she has only spent a few days with her, we already feel she is a huge part of our family. We promise to love, and care for her all of her life. We can’t be more than happy with how she adapted to our humble home.

Please let everyone know who cared for Maria that she is in a loving home and we will raise her to be the best dog we can. She will want for nothing, and we will spoil her each and every second she is awake.

We have a history saving pets, one at a time, and we will do our best to keep Mia happy and healthy all the days of her life.

Please know we appreciate all you and your staff do for animals like Mia… God bless each and every one of you.

Thank you and God Bless

The Monahans

Linda, Stephen & Ryan Monahan

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A happy ending for Maia!!

Maia in her halloween costume, 2nd place winner!

This was an email sent to one of the volunteers of Save A Sato "La Lola" from Nancy Leray, a proud mom of a Puertorican Sato!

Hi Lola, it's been very exciting to watch the shelter changes taking place on facebook! How I wish we could be there to help out!! Here is a picture of Maia dressed up for Halloween. I'm not big into dressing her up, but the
winners got gift certificates to the pet store so we gave it a try. She won 2nd place and we won $25!! Of course we are using the money to buy her new toys and treats! She is a very sweet, happy dog and we love her so much!

Hope all is well with you. Please say hello to everyone from us and give Gloria a big hug!

Thank you Nancy for writing us! we love to receive this kind of emails!! If anyone out there would like to share stories about your Sato, from Save A Sato, Puerto Rico, or any other organization, please write us to or

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dale click y esteriliza tu mascota! Castraton de PetSos

Caty Morales, Vicepresidenta PetSos y las mascotas de la Dra Moya

Nuestros amigos de PetSos invitan a todo Puerto Rico, que lean esta informacion, se orienten y aprovechen esta unica oportunidad de esterilizar a sus mascotas a bajo costo, dale click a este enlace (a la foto de PetSos) y visita la pagina de PetSos donde encontraras un listado de veterinarios que estaran ofreciendo estos servicios desde hoy 1ro de noviembre del 2011 hasta el 10 de noviembre.  Esteriliza tu mascota, es tiempo ya que tomemos accion por controlar la sobrepoblacion de animales en Puerto Rico.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Gracias Banco Popular

Este pasado sabado 22 de octubre del 2011, nuestros amigos del Banco Popular celebraron el dia del voluntariado 'Haciendo la Diferencia'.  El  departamento de Prestamos Comerciales de Popular, "capitaneado" por Natalia Cruz, se encargo de ayudar a los voluntarios de Save A Sato a limpiar jaulas, alimentar a los Satos, y pasearlos entre otras muchas cosas! Aqui una muestra del trabajo realizado, nuestro infinito agradecimiento a todos estos empleados, que sacaron un tiempo para colaborar con los satitos y brindarnos una ayuda que se necesita a diarion en el albergue de los milagros de Save A Sato! Gracias por Salvar un Sato!

This Last Saturday 22, our friends from Banco Popular celebrated  "El dia de Haciendo la Diferencia" (making the difference day), this group of employees of Banco Popular, spent the day on the shelter, cleaning cages, feeding the dogs and walking them around. We would like to thank Natalia Cruz, and all the employees from the bank, who took the time to visit us and help us in the hard task of cleaning up the shelter and keep our satos happy! Banco Popular thanks for Saving the Satos! 


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mensaje de nuestros amigos del Banco Popular

 El  departamento de Operaciones de Prestamos Comerciales de Popular Inc estará visitando el 22 de octubre del 2011 la entidad sin fines de lucro Save a Sato. Estaremos limpiando jaulas, caminando perritos y ¡dándole mucho cariño! Desde el 1996, Save a Sato ha rescatado más de 20,000 perros y cientos de gatitos. La labor titánica que realizan los voluntarios de Save a Sato es una de amor y mucha dedicación.  A todos las personas que deseen participar de esta actividad (ya sea como voluntarios o haciendo un donativo) están mas que bienvenidos. Para mas información o visitar la pagina

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Our friends at PetSos invites you to this event!

from :

This next October 5, 2011 our friends from PetSos and local celebrities from Puerto Rico will be playing a basketball tournament on the coliseum Hector Sola Bezares in Caguas to help in the funding of the biggest "castraton" ( spay and neuter event ) that will take place this next November, 2011 to help the different organization from Puerto Rico that rescue dogs and cats around all the island and because of the lack of help and interest from the goverment, sometimes helping on the spay of all this rescues, become impossible. Save A Sato foundation invites you to click the links provided here and read all the info available for this event! Dont miss it! we now its going to be a lot of fun, watch all those celebrities play basketball! and its for a good cause!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dogs from Save A Sato, ready to be adopted on wednesday!

Local 10, please click the link to watch the video and get more info!

The Humane Society of Broward County saves 50 satos!

Our good friends from the Humane Society of Broward County, helped The Save A Sato foundation with the adoptions of 50 of our satos, because of the damaged that suffered The Shelter of Miracles from Save A Sato due the rain caused by the hurricane Irene this last week. Click the link to watch the video.

 Want to help out The Save A Sato Foundation on their shelter makeover, visit and donate via paypal. Or Click

Wednesday, August 3, 2011



Domingo 7 de Agosto
11:00am - 4:00pm
1600 Fernández Juncos Esq. Calle Del Parque
San Juan, PR
Evento Facebook :

- - - - - - - - -


"DATE LA VUELTA" a nuestro Centro de Acopio en La Respuesta y
apóyanos con tu donativo el próximo Domingo 7 de Agosto ...
Cientos de satitos te lo agradecerán !!

( ^_^ ) !! ...

El verano esta por terminar y eso significa que esta por comenzar la época de huracanes.

Mucha agua que han aguantado ya nuestros satitos este verano, ha sido difícil para Gloria y las increíbles voluntarias
que hacen el admirable trabajo físico del albergue con una voluntad y compromiso inigualable.

Nos urge una remodelación del albergue para poder proteger a los animalitos del agua y el viento, mejorar nuestro
sistema eléctrico y reponer nuestros ventiladores industriales que permiten el flujo de aire entre las jaulas.

Prioridad de esta remodelación y etapa de mejoras es la construcción de dos Gazebos de Madera para dos de los
alerones en dónde se tienen las jaulas. Mismas que hasta ahora han sido cubiertas con carpas plásticas que por el
clima y las inclemencias del tiempo se han deteriorado enormemente.

De igual manera necesitamos sustituír algunas jaulas que por el agua se han oxidado causando lo cual no es bueno
para los satitos, comprar cubos de metal, medicamentos, etc.

En fin... necesitamos ayuda, buenos corazónes, compromiso y voluntad !!

Nos hemos acercado a ustedes anteriormente y la respuesta ha sido increíble, por ello nuestro enorme agradecimiento
y el de nuestros perritos : )

Los invitamos este DOMINGO 7 DE AGOSTO a que se den la vuelta a nuestro Centro de Acopio en LA RESPUESTA,
estaremos recibiendo donativos y materiales durane el día de 11:00am a 4:00pm .

- - - - - - - - - -

- Super Bienvenidas las gift cards de:
- We welcome gift cards from :




Save a Sato Foundation
P.O.Box 37694
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Or if you want to make a direct deposit to our bank account :

Save a Sato Foundation
Cta. 131269380
( Cta. Cheques / Check Account )

- - - - - - - -


A las 3:00 de la tarde estaremos proyectando el Documental de PBS

" MINE "
Four-Legged Survivors of Hurricane Katrina


As Hurricane Katrina bore down on New Orleans, the mayor issued a last-minute order for everyone to evacuate. In the
clamor to get out of the city, many pet owners left their animals with food and water, fully intending to return in a
few days. People without the means to leave the city on their own were forced onto busses and barred from bringing
the furriest family members along.

-- - - - - - -

Como siempre estaremos recolectando :

* Comida de perro
(Seca y de lata )
* Comida de gato
(Seca y de lata )
* Periódico
* Shampoo antipulgas
* Clorox
* Jabón de fregar
* Fibras
* Kennels
* Manguera
* Bolsas de basura
* Alcohol
* Vaselina
* Guantes desechables
* Collares y Correas
* Toallas Usadas
* Treats y Juguetes
( No rawhide )
*Donativos de dinero para comprar medicamentos y solventar gastos veterinarios y viajes de los satitos


( Voluntaria )

P.S. Bring your pupps and dogs with their leash para compartir : )
Click for full Map

La Respuesta, Santurce

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Lexi, a Gift of Love!

Lexi, recovering from Demodectic Mange, July 2011

Last month we introduced you, our new friend Lexi, a boxer found wandering on the streets of Puerto Rico with the terrible condition of Demodectic Mange, this is a class of persistent skin diseases caused by parasitic mites,(wikipedia) This boxer was rescued by Gloria Marti (president of the Save A Sato Foundation) on mid May. Thanks to your help and your donations via our Amazon Wish List, and also monetary donations by PayPal, we started treatment to Lexi and other satos on the shelter that had this terrible condition, she is now happy and almost recovered. Sadly we still have more dogs with this condition on our shelter, summer months in Puerto Rico makes this skin disease, extremely difficult to cure, your donations can help us continue helping this satos, we have over 200 hundreds satos on our main shelter right now and over 30 in different foster homes, we are very grateful for this donations and also the satos! This help us to buy the food and give them medical care. If you wish to help us, visit our main page , in there you can check our Amazon Wish List, also donate to Save A Sato directly via PayPal, you can also help the Save A Sato Foundation by voting everyday on The Animal Rescue Site shelter challenge, contest like this if won, help us with monetary donations. Thank you for Giving a Gift of love to our Satos.
Lexi, when rescued, after her first bath of Promeris to cure Demodectic Mange on may 2011

El mes pasado, te presenteamos a nuestra nueva amiga Lexi, una boxer que fue rescatada por Gloria Marti (presidenta de Save A Sato) la cual llevaba varios meses viviendo por las calles de Puerto Rico, y la cual presentaba la terrible condicion de "Demodectic Mange" una fuerte enfermedad en la piel de los perros, parecida a la sarna, pero creada por parasitos en la piel de estos. Gracias a tu colaboracion en nuestro Amazon Wish List con diferentes medicamentos para curar esta enfermedad y a tus donaciones directas por medio de Paypal a la fundacion Save A Sato poco a poco hemos ayudado a Lexi a recuperarse de esta terrible enfermedad. Al igual que Lexi, tenemos otros Satos en el albergue con esta misma condicion, por eso exhortamos que nos sigan ayudando, los meses de verano en Puerto Rico hacen que estas enfermedades sean mas dificil de tratar. Tenemos mas de 200 Satos en nuestro albergue en estos momentos y alrededor de 30 mas en hogares sustitutos o "foster homes" sus donaciones nos ayudan a proveerles comida y servicios medicos a todos estos perros, si deseas ayudar a la Fundacion Save A Sato, visita nuestra pagina ,alli encontraras enlaces para donar por medio de paypal y podras ver nuestro Amazon Wish List tambien nos puedes ayudar votando todos los dias en el concurso del Animal Rescue Site, concursos como este, si logramos ganarlos nos ayudan donando dinero para nuestros satos. Gracias por darle un regalo de vida a nuestros Satos!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Walgreens y Save A Sato te invitan a esta actividad!

Este Sabado 9 de julio del 2011, trae a tu mascota a Walgreens de Los Colobos de 11 am a 5 pm y fotografialo con un ajuar de verano! Dale al link para que veas el video!

Monday, July 4, 2011

A happy ending for one of our satos!!! Arturo!

Our new friend , Andrew P. Huffman wrote to Save A Sato

Sato Arturo was adopted from Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, MA.  He now lives in the city that gave birth to the famous author Jack Kerouac, Lowell, MA.  Arturo loves frequent daily walks, playing fetch and small pieces of hot dog!  He is also a fan of attending old-time baseball games and the Boston Red Sox.  Arturo is loved by his new family!  Thank you Save a Sato!
thanks for saving this sato! and for giving him a Forever Home!!!
The Save A Sato Volunteers!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

May God bless your kind heart Kristopher Kevin Owens

OWENS Kristopher Kevin, 32, passed away Sun, June 19, 2011 while on work assignment in Rochester, NY. He was born Oct 11, 1978 in Richmond, KY. Kris is survived by his beautiful wife, Kris Spikes, his parents, Amy Burke and John Owens. He is also survived by his siblings, Amanda Owens, Miles Owens, Will Burke and Brennan Burke; his stepfather, Randy Burke; and his most dedicated companion "Spike". He is also survived by his maternal grandfather, Jim Karns, his paternal grandmother, Connie Owens, a multitude of cousins, aunts, and uncles. He is preceded in death by his beloved "Nana" - Jaramy Karns and grandfather, Robert Owens. Kris lived and traveled around the world during his life, and his adventurous spirit and love of learning and language was inspiring to all. He was a Governor's Scholar graduating from Tates Creek High School with an International Baccalaureate Scholarship in 1997. He went on to The University of Louisville where he studied French and linguistics. His Junior year he studied abroad in Montpelier, France. Kris will be remembered as the Trivial Pursuit Champion of the universe. He was loved most dearly by all he encountered. Kris' life will be celebrated at Christ Church Cathedral Sat, June 25th at 6pm; a reception will follow. In lieu of flowers, any contributions may be made to The American Museum of Natural History, at, or to "Save a Sato Foundation", at, a dog rescue organization Kris was active in while living in Puerto Rico.
Published in Lexington Herald-Leader on June 24, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sterilizing your Dog = Saving a Sato?

By Anna Winwood
SAS Volunteer
Puerto Rico – Miles upon miles of white beaches, rainforests and mountains, and an abundance of Stray Dogs. That’s right, Puerto Rico is overrun with Sato’s! It is estimated that Puerto Rico has a stray dog population well exceeding 100,000.  The Save a Sato Foundation has been rescuing abused and homeless animals off of the streets and giving them hope for a life they deserve. However, the Save a Sato Foundation cannot alleviate this problem without the help of the people of Puerto Rico.

Becoming a pet owner comes with responsibilities. Not only is it your responsibility to feed and properly house your pet, you have to have them sterilized. Allowing your dog to run the streets and mate with other dogs is causing significant problems. Unfortunately, once the dogs become impregnated and have a litter of puppies more times than not, the puppies are abandoned. By abandoned, they are either thrown to the streets where if they survive they will grow up to be unsterilized dogs who themselves will breed more puppies or they are left in a box at the door of Save a Satos Shelter of Miracles in San Juan. Over the past month - 23 puppies have been abandoned at the door of the shelter.

This is making it extremely hard for the dedicated people at Save a Sato to care for and rehabilitate the Satos that are already there. Some people believe that not sterilizing their pet has advantages. They believe that they can breed their dog and make money from selling the puppies. Others feel that they will be violating their dog, especially a male dogs’ manhood. By not sterilizing your dog, you are putting them at health risks as well as bringing puppies into the world that may end up on the streets. You are not in any way doing your dog a favor. If you sell your dogs puppies, you can be taking away a home for another puppy in need. Do the right thing and sterilize your dog so the homeless and less fortunate dogs have a chance at being adopted into a good home.
Sterilizing your pet has so many advantages. Not only will it help control the population of unwanted pets on the island, it is also healthier for your pet!

Spaying your Female dog has the following advantages:

o    No heat cycles, therefore males will not be attracted
o    Less Desire to roam
o    Risk of mammary gland tumors, ovarian and/or uterine cancer is reduced or eliminated, especially if done before the first heat cycle
o    Reduces number of dogs/puppies that are unwanted
o    Helps dogs and cats live longer, healthier lives!

Neutering your Male dog has the following advantages:

o    Reduces or eliminates risk of spraying and marking
o    Less desire to roam, therefore less likely to be injured in fights or auto accidents
o    Risk of testicular cancer is eliminated, and decreases incidence of prostate disease
o    Reduces number of dogs/puppies that are unwanted
o    Decreases aggressive behavior, including dog bites
o    Helps dogs and cats live longer, healthier lives!
Sterilization will not only benefit your pet but you and your community as well.  Stray animals can easily become a public nuisance, soiling parks and streets, ruining shrubbery, frightening children and elderly people, creating noise and other disturbances, causing automobile accidents, and sometimes even killing livestock or other pets. The only way to stop this from happening is to become a responsible pet owner and to sterilize your pet. Abandoning your pet or its offspring is not the answer.
New born kittens abandoned outside of Toy “R” Us in Carolina. Sadly they did not make it due to the fact they were taken from their mother too young.
Not only are the Satos of Puerto Rico suffering from hunger, they are also the victims of disease.  One of these diseases is Demodectic Mange, a skin disease caused by parasitic mites. This disease is common in malnourished animals.  If diagnosed early, the disease is very easy to cure. Sadly, when dogs contract the disease many times they are abandoned by their owners rather than having them treated. The disease then becomes so severe that the animal suffers extremely and the disease is spread to other Satos.
Diseases like this can easily be avoided. If your pet seems to be suffering from mange, bring them to a veterinarian so they can receive the proper medication.  More importantly have your pet sterilized so the stray animal population does not continue to grow. The fewer malnourished and stray animals there are, the less the disease will spread and more attention can be directed to the already sick animals.
A puppy that was found suffering from Severe Demodectic Mange

    There is no just cause in not sterilizing your pet. It makes for an all around healthier, happier animal.  With the help of responsible pet owners and the Save a Sato Foundation the overpopulation of Satos on the island of Puerto Rico can be greatly reduced.
The medicated puppy recovering at the Shelter of Miracles
For information on low cost spay/neuter services, please visit the Save a Sato webpage, .


Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Happy ending for Donna!

This is an email sent to Save A Sato, from the new parents of Donna, one of our rescues!
     On March 24, 2011 I adopted Donna (rescue# 82467) from the Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, Massachusetts.  I actually changed her name to Poppy and she already knows it and responds to it!!
    She has come a long way in the 2 months she's been with me...(she's actually just come into the room where I am e-mailing you to see what I'm doing!!).  We walk every day with our friends and their dogs, we go in the car for ice cream, and we've been to the beach in New Hampshire... and this is just the beginning!!! 
    Thank you for saving her from the streets.  She is a very sweet dog. I'm constantly amazed at how gentle she is. She will have a very nice life with me here and I will take very good care of her.  I've enclosed some pictures my friend took of Poppy...
Best Wishes to your and your organization,
               Kathleen Kimble

 Thank you Kathleen for fulfilling Poppy's dream of having Love, A nice family and a Forever Home! 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pablo need your help!! this is his last chance!

Do you remember Pablo? the sato sentenced to death row? a couple of month ago he was saved from death row, but now he needs help again, he is still on "Jail" on a shelter, this is a Email, sent to the Save A Sato volunteers by Robin Urbani. Please read it and if you can help in any way do it! is very important for us and Robin, to save Pablo's life! If you want to read Pablo's story first, please Click Here:

I hope you remember me. I am Pablo's "owner", the Sato that was almost euthanized in April but was saved at his hearing. After we won at the hearing for Pablo they made us believe they were going to help us locate a place for him (the lawyers, the animal control officers, etc.)..I have been writing to sanctuaries and private trainers but so far have not found anyone that will take him.
He is doing very well at the facility and they adore him there..but the date they gave us is coming up..June 1st..the new deadline before he is euthanized unless someone will agree to take him home.
The good news it is does NOT have to be a trainer or a sanctuary anymore. After spending a few months with Pablo they realized that he is not a "threat" to society, and anyone that is responsible as a pet owner and does not have children, can adopt him.
I am hoping to eventually get him back. He just will never be allowed to live in my town. But, my daughter lives in NY and she could take him, or if I move, which I am planning to, he can come back to me.
I am just looking for anyone that could be approved by the ACO as a caretaker for Pablo that does not have children, has a fenced in yard and is willing to adopt him... Once we get him out of the Animal Control Facility his life will no longer be in danger and I can continue to find a permanent place for him. I am willing to pay for his food, and also behavioral training for him.
I love him SO MUCH!!! My daughter also, and everyone that knows him.
The anniversary of my son's death is coming up June 15th. I know my daughter's heart will be broken again in a very serious way if Pablo is not rescued.
Can you help us find someone that might be willing to help?
I would be so very grateful and i know whomever takes him will not be sorry they did.
The ACO told me if I even have a couple of names of people that are interested in trying by June 1st she will continue to keep him there and not euthanize him. She is a great is her boss that is not an animal lover and does not have any compassion.
Please let me know. Pablo gets along well with anyone that is truly an animal lover, and female dogs, and some cats.

Thank you,
Robin Urbani
Feel free to pass along my information to anyone and have them text me if they know anyone that might be able to help.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Thank You! Migdalia Negron, Scotiabank and the World's Best 10k Race!

Migdalia Negron, Gerente de Distrito de Ventas y Servicios del
Scotiabank en San Juan, represento a la Fundacion Save a Sato durante
la carrera de 10 Kilometros, en el Puente Moscoso, en Puerto Rico. 
Con la cooperacion de los empleados, suplidores y clientes de las
sucursales bajo su supervison, Migdalia en corto tiempo lograron
recaudar $8,000 para la organizacion. Un cheque conmemorativo fue
presentado a la organizacion a voluntarios de la organizacion el dia
de la carrera.

Troy Wright, el CEO del Scotia Bank y Rafael Acosta Presidente del
Comite Organizador de la Carrera Internacional. durante una breve
ceremonia en las oficinas del Scotia Bank en San Juan, presentaron a
todos los gerentes y supervisores que "corrieron" o caminaron por 10
organizaciones sin fines de lucro.  El Sr. Wright indico que el Scotiabank llevaba 100 anos en Puerto Rico y como parte de la comunidad
puertorriqueña, el banco decidió coordinar una campana pro fondos para
ayudar a unas 10 organizaciones sin fines de lucro.

Las organizaciones sin fines de lucro fueron escogidas por los

representantes del banco entre varias que fueron nominadas por los
empleados de cada sucursal.  Cada  supervisor escogio la organizacion
por la cual correria para levantar fondos, asi como representar
durante la carrera.  Las organizaciones sin fines de lucro que fueron
agraciadas por los esfuerzos de los empleados del Scotia Bank fueron:
La Cruz Roja Americana de Puerto Rico, La Asociación de Diabética de
Puerto Rico, La Asociación del Corazón, SER de Puerto Rico,
Cuidadanos del Karso, Asociación del Althzeimer de Puerto Rico, Fondita
de Jesus,  Asociacion Pequeño Josua, La Asociación del Cancer de
Puerto Rico y la Fundacion Save a Sato.  Cada una de estas
organizaciones recibieron entre $7,000 a $12,000.

Scotia Bank Raises $8,000 for Save a Sato

Migdalia Negron, District Sales and Service Manager for Scotia Bank

represented the Save a Sato Foundation during the 10 Kilometer
International Race on the Moscoso Bridge in Puerto Rico.  With the
cooperation of employees, suppliers and clients of the bank branches
under her supervision, Migdala in a very short time raised $8,000 for
the Foundation.

A check representing the donation raised was presented to SAS
volunteers the day of the race.

Troy Wright, Scotia Bank CEO and Rafael Acosta, President of the 10K

International Organizing Committee for the bank, during a brief
ceremony at the bank offices in Hato Rey, presented all the managers
and bank supervisors that either walked or ran for one of 10 non
profit organizations selected.  Wright indicated that the Scotia Bank
has been part of the Puertorican community for the last 100 years, and
as such they decided to coordinate a fund raising event to help 10
non-profit organizations.

The non profit organizations that were chosen by the bank

representatives were selected from various organizations that were
nominated by employees of the different bank branches.  Each bank
supervisor chose the organization for which they would be working to
raise funds and actively represent during the 10 Kilometer race.  The
10 non profit organizations selected were: The American Red Cross of
Puerto Rico,  The PR Diabetic Association, The PR Heart Association,
SER of Puerto Rico, Citizens for the Protection of the Karst
Mountains, the Altheimer Association of PR, Fondita de Jesus, Small
Joshuah Association, PR Cancer Association and the Save a Sato
Foundation.  Each organization received between $7,000 and $12,000.
